Monday, November 21, 2022

The Time I Learned I Was A Foolish Virgin


The weekend of Labor Day 2021 and the week following was not a good time for my household.  A bomb had been dropped. It was met with some skepticism but some hope but also dread. We were told the end of the world would happen in days. No, we were told that this preacher/pastor/author had heard from God, and He had told them the end of the world was days away.


One of us went about her business. Lived her life and put out a book in case any relatives were left behind and made it to the house. Myself? I believe I went through the five stages of grief, but it was different.



I started with skepticism because I knew this verse very well.  Then I scoffed because the preacher/pastor/author had given them an out and then begged for protection by their church.  But I did not ignore it.


The previous week, I had skimmed two videos on YouTube that spoke about the end of the world. I am not someone who seeks these things out. I just happen to scroll through YouTube and saw them. But this seemed to come from a credible source.


As the days slowly ticked by, I gave this upcoming rapture a lot of thought. I was happy, then anxious. I thought the thought a lot of us have, would I go or be left behind. And I did not like my answer. Because at that time, I recognized that I was a foolish virgin and the unwise servant.


I looked at my life and did not see a Spirit-led Christian. I saw a comfortable one. I saw someone who if other Christians look at her life, they will say that’s a Christian. She loved Jesus, her family, friends, cats and doing her own thing.



I filled with dread. As three days turned into one week, I began to relax but the damage had been done. My understanding of what it truly meant to be a follower of Christ was incorrect and it needed to be corrected. Not only did I need to get ready, but I had to stay ready. It is a journey; a truly life-changing journey.

It’s not easy and I keep getting hit with these revelations that hurt so much but are so very necessary. My relationship with my Lord and Savior left a lot to be desired. Life was great—had a decent job, decent ride and a decent roof over my head BUT.


My relationship with Christ was in tatters. Hear from the Holy Spirit? At that time, no. But I’ve been working on that. And relying more and more on His guidance, teachings, and corrections.


I have begun to study His word. I have begun to pray more. I have begun to humble myself before God and praise God more. I have been given so many opportunities to exercise my faith.

I am taking the focus off me and my desires and onto God and His desires for my life and everything that will bring Him glory.


While the end or the rapture did not come that day, it is coming, and I don’t want to be left behind. I don’t want to be like the foolish virgins or the unwise servant.


Stay Encouraged and Be Blessed!!