Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ignore That Feeling! He Is Still With You!

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18 NIV

I was doing a little reading this morning since my new wake-up time is the break of dawn (not by choice). As I read through several passages, this scripture stood out for me. I know everyone goes through rough times, and for quite a few of us, it is an ongoing thing, but this scripture needs to come to mind in those dark moments. Like I said, everyone goes through and sometimes it is difficult to shake off, but you are not alone.

It seems as though there is no one to help, or if they do, the moment of peace quickly dissipates. We have all been there. So utterly alone, and without help. People can't help and also get frustrated with your negative attitude. The nicer ones will take you out and provide a visible relief. It may help and it may not. Then there are the others. Their idea of a gentle style is basically to run a bull through a china store. After dealing with them, you really feel alone. Or ready to inflict harm on them.

"I mean, if you would just . . ."
"Tsk. Tsk. You are not trusting God."
"You not praising Him enough!"

They could drive you batty, and you will still feel alone. Sure, you can tell people what you are going through, and they certainly can empathize, but they cannot fully grasp the situation. And finally what you end up doing is being fake, because you are praying. You are praising. But it is just hard to break the discouragement.

However, if you are not doing those things, might I suggest you start? Just sayin.'

No matter what you are going through, God is still there. When you feel most alone, He is closer than ever. Seek Him. His Word has promised that. I know a few of us wants to wear how we are feeling on our sleeve because you don't want to be fake. But what has that got you? People saying cold and callous things to you? People avoiding you like the plague? Problems should go to God first, and really should stay with Him, but if you still need to discuss with someone else, choose carefully. No, seriously. Choose carefully.

Just remember you are not alone in the struggle. I could give all types of platitudes of all the good things to come, but you read your bible so you know.

Be encouraged and blessed!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Camping's Followers, You Are Not Alone!

As I saw the billboard that stated May 21st was Judgment Day, I shook my head and dismissed it. I bet a lot of Christians did the same thing. While hanging with friends, we discussed it, and I realized I was a lot more upset about it than I originally thought. I watched a few news reports, and I felt sickened.

To your average Christian, Camping was obviously a false teacher. The nonbeliever thought he and his followers were nuts. Christ said, "No man knows the day or the hour, not even the angels."(Matthew 24:36) And I just thought to myself, "If there is one scripture that left no doubt, it was that one." I just could not see how this was debatable. So, I wondered, besides Revelation and the Old Testament, what other parts of the bible had Camping's followers read?

I saw his followers on the news as they were asked about their beliefs that the Rapture was May 21st. One lady stated that none of her family and friends believed. She was so sure she was right. Another family dragged their teen son and daughters to pass out pamphlets and proclaim what would happen on May 21st. One mother told her daughter she was not going to be "raptured." Wrong. Just wrong. Yet others sold their belongings, broke up happy homes, etc., etc. Camping, however, did not close the doors to Family Radio. This could be for many reasons. Some of them good. He did not give away all of his belongings or savings, either.

Those that followed him were probably shocked. I hope a large number of them simply shrugged their shoulders, prayed for guidance, and had a chat with their local clergy on Sunday. For the few disenchanted, pissed off, hurt and dismayed by this, do not lose your faith in God. Take to your bible, and read words of encouragement. It is a scary world, but trust God. And trust God alone. You are low today, but you won't be always. I know it is hard. Believe me, I understand that. It's much easier to trust people than God. Even people who have failed you over and over again. They are tangible and can be seen. But place all that trust in God.

Psalm 118:8 said "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man." Despite your loss, God will make a way and He will see you through. And for the one teen girl, whose mother told her she won't be raptured, forgive your mother. She's been hoodwinked and blinded for whatever reason. She needs your prayers and your forgiveness. Are there underlying reasons people followed Camping without reading God's Word themselves? Yes. But what they need now is compassion and either help back to God or help trusting Him. The least we can do is pray for their spiritual well-being.

I hope the next go around, whether from Camping (he, by the way, said the date was wrong and the new date is five months from now) or others, there will be less people listening. And a lot less media attention. What is needed is more people reading and studying God's Word. I hope more people did to see if he was right, and in turn, read more. That is my prayer.

Be encouraged and blessed!


My world is filled with many things, and the most important to me is what I do for Christ. It feels like I am spending a lot more time writing, so I figure, I should at least devote some time to encouraging others in Christ. I am not traditional. I don't feel fundamental. I certainly do not want to be controversial, but it could happen. I know a lot of people say this, but I don't think of myself as a typical Christian. But I believe in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

I don't expect to be the only person posting, and all I want is for this blog to encourage others in their faith in Christ. Many have done the same for me, and I want to pay it forward. The Internet is filled with so many negative things, and it seems that most Christians are afraid of it because of that or they flock to certain places. I want this for those that need it. If my experiences are beneficial, leave a comment. Constructive criticism only, please.