Saturday, January 14, 2012

New Year's Resolutions And Committing To God

Commit your way to the Lord,
Trust also in Him.
And He shall bring it to pass.
He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light,
And your justice as the noonday.
Psalm 37:5-6 NKJV

Have you finalized your New Year resolutions?

I spoke before about making resolutions for your Christian walk. I typically don't make resolutions. When I lost weight, it was a spur of the moment decision, and I changed my lifestyle. I was ten pounds shy of my college weight, but that wasn't to be.

I tried to resolve to speak the truth in love, but I utterly failed. I either avoided talking to people or basically told the truth without any love attached. Since I want to succeed in this, I add it back each year. I think it's been about four years since I started doing New Year's resolutions again.

I just want to reflect Christ, you know?

I realized that we do better when we succeed. Sometimes the way to do that is to understand how God works. I know I'll never fully understand because His ways are not my ways. But as much as I can know, I want to know. The more I do as He does, the better off everyone around me is.

Sometimes I think I fail because I don't commit my way to Him. But we are admonished to do that. But it's hard because no one likes to get hurt. And our enemies don't want us to succeed. Think about how strong your desire to remain pain-free and multiply that times 1,000,000 and that's how strong my desire is. But each step we do should be vetted by God. Even more when we are doing His work for His kingdom.

Every now and again, I think just calm down and pause before speaking, but even that doesn't work sometimes. Sometimes we come against someone who seem bent on being evil to us. We stumble. They get cussed out, or worse. And then you either feel guilt or shame or defend and rationalize your actions.

But if we can start with commitment, and when we fall, repent and get back up again, we get to that success. Before you resolve to lose weight or smile more or stay away from clubs or stand up for yourself, commit it to God. Even better is to ask God what would He have you to do, but committing is also a good start.

I'd love to hear from you. How are the New Year resolutions going so far? Did you choose any Christian ones?

Be Blessed and Stay Encouraged!

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