Sunday, August 21, 2011

God Is A Fighter, and He Will Fight For You!

Arise, O Lord; Save me, O my God! For You have struck all my enemies on the cheekbone; You have broken the teeth of the ungodly.
Psalm 3:7 NKJV

When I first read Psalms 3, it was because of Byron Cage's song. I am sure one of the many ministers and speakers covered it, but sometimes it takes a minute for things to be illuminated (well, it does for me). It wasn't until recently that Psalm 3:7 came into the light. After hearing the song over and over and over again (verse 7 is not covered in the song), upon finally reading it, I saw the verse. I grinned, and chuckled and finally laughed. Oh, how I would love to see broken teeth and bruises on the cheekbones of my enemies. 

Sometimes I just want to be there for the beatdown that comes from the hand of God. I think about the Egyptians who pursued the children of Israel as they fled Egypt. I think about Jezebel's gruesome end. When God destroys, he destroys. In Psalm 75: 2, He states "When I choose the proper time, I will judge uprightly." 

But I realize that my biggest enemy is probably me. I can not think of enemies that I know or knew. Even when working on difficult jobs and with difficult people, I never thought of them as a true enemy. I did, however, cry out to God for strength to sustain and for help, but people as my enemies? Not in the way you might think. Plus, it was just a job or it was just a trial. It will pass. No, I usually am the reason for some of my mishaps. Not the latest one, however. I just got to put it out there. Instead of handling it God's way and turning the other cheek or letting sleeping dogs lie or praying when hurt, busted and disgusted, I usually am the one who wants to cut you with words. Instead of letting go, I want to hold on to the hurt, and nurse it like it a bottle of Scotch. Even now I cannot explain why I would do that. But letting it go will free you.

I certainly hope you aren't keeping you back. I am trying to fix that for me. I just wanted to share the song and the humor I found in Psalm 3:7. Don't get it twisted. God will handle the vengeance and you might not even get to see it. But it will be handled. Just move on and keeping doing for God.

What instances from the Bible do you find humor in? And which verses make you laugh at the irony?

Be Blessed and Stay Encouraged!

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