Monday, May 21, 2012

What's Stopping You From Being Thankful?

And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. Colossians 3:17 NKJV

©Grayson's Groovy on Tumbler

We all have had some bad times. Some of us have had some pretty rotten times. We've been resentful. Bitterness took root. Fear overwhelmed us. We murmured. We complained. We were like the children of Israel in the wilderness. No faith and no hope.

Today, I saw this on Pinterest, and I started thinking, how can you not be thankful? Life is not fair, but we must exercise our faith. Christ admonished us to have faith in God. And when you use that faith, you find there is always something to be thankful for. Always.

We've all had our bad days, and sometimes all you can be thankful for is being alive on that day at that moment. And then you'll think of other things, and soon you'll be on a roll.

Don't let the bitterness or jealousy or grief or fear keep you from being thankful. You are a child of God, and your bad day and grief will pass. Don't let bitterness or jealousy hold you back. Do whatever you need to do (as long as it's not a sin) to get the bitterness, resentment and jealousy out of you. It is hurting you, and you might not have the riches or wife or house they have or he may have pulled a number on you and broke your heart into a million pieces, but exercise that faith. Believe and trust that God will turn your situation around and open doors and windows for you.

As for the fear, don't let it hold you back. Take that leap of faith. You may think it's a no, but it could be a not now.' But you won't know unless you take the leap. God will be there, and even if it's a firm no, the lessons you learn will be beneficial.

Being thankful and faithful brings blessings. Believe it! It works for me, and it will work for you. 

Let go, and let God, and then thank him. Thank him in advance if you must, but thank Him!

Stay Encouraged and Be Blessed!

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