Friday, February 16, 2024

Be The Light



Every day, there are people crossing our paths who need to hear a word of hope, feel a touch of compassion, see the possibility of a different future. We need not look far to find people who need the light of Christ. We need only to be available, looking, willing and obedient to go where they are.

The light overtakes the darkness and the fear. It makes it all disappear. It eradicates its power. It eliminates its strength. Just as sure as morning follows night, the light of Christ is always coming — through us. As His hands and feet, we are the force that conquers the darkness. We. The undaunted ones.

God’s glory is upon us, and His light can break through the darkest night. That’s why He wants us to partner with Him in bringing light into the dark places where oppressors try their best to shut people away.

We do justly and love mercy and walk humbly with our God when we rise ready (Micah 6:8), when we get up and go out with God to partner with Him in his purposes on the earth. Some days, that may mean nothing more than doing a dozen little things throughout your waking hours to love well your family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, and those whose path you cross: listening, running an errand, praying, opening your home, preparing a meal.

Whatever God has called you to do where you are, in your realm of influence, you cannot deny that the darkness that surrounds us is growing. Remember, you are the light called to combat that darkness. Together, with God’s help, let’s defeat the darkness, if even for just one life. And then let’s do it for one more, and one more. 

~From Undaunted by Christine Caine

Stay Encouraged and Be Blessed!

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