Friday, December 22, 2023

Death And Life Are In The Power of Your Tongue


Because we serve a God who speaks and uses His words to bring life, we are reminded that our words really do matter. They matter in our marriage, our family, the workplace, our relationships, and our church. Our words really are an overflow of what is going on in our hearts (Luke 6:45), and they have the power to shape the hearts of those whom God has surrounded us with.

In Proverb 10:21, the writer said, “The lips of the righteous nourish many.” With our words, we bring life, health, and good things to those we encounter. We make others better by what rolls off our tongue. With our lips, we are to avoid gossip, slander, malice, and idle talk, which steal life instead of nourishing it.

We can nourish those around us with words of encouragement. Speaking truth in love. Sharing our appreciation. Building others up with the truth and promises of God’s Word. We nourish others when we speak with gentleness and compassion. We bring life when we choose not to speak words that could easily be used as weapons. 

How are you using your words? Do your words bring nourishment to those around you? Take a moment and prayerfully consider how your words are bringing life or death to those you are closest to. Let’s pursue the righteousness described in Proverbs — being one who uses her words to nourish not just some, but many!

Lord, You are a God who speaks. As I reflect who You are to those around me, help me use my words wisely. Give me grace to “nourish many” with my lips. I confess that my words are not always used in a way that honors You. Forgive me and teach me to love and serve those around me with the words You give me. In Jesus’ name, amen. 


~From Settle My Soul by Karen Ehman and Ruth Schwenk


Stay Encouraged and Be Blessed!

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